Plus Communication was the key of success for developing the “Save a Heart” Association. Through a highly effective communication strategy, developed by Mr. Tanase Tanase, PhD., in august 2014, we have succeed to evolve from 1,000 Euros – donations on platform at the beginning – to  to 22,000 Euros per month, in present. We would never have succeed  to save tens of lives without more than 1,500 media appearances, gained thanks to the collaboration with Plus Communication.

Vlad Placinta
Presedinte - Asociatia "Salveaza o inima"

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Trainer, Speaker & Antreprenor

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Psihoterapeut si trainer NLP

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Andra Tanasescu
Psiholog si trainer NLP

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Valentin Maior
Presedinte Romanian IT Global Community

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Oana Nastase
Directorul Asociatiei Bucharest Running Club, organizatorul Semimaratonului International Bucuresti si Maratonului International Bucuresti